Friday, February 15, 2008

How do you know the chick u want...

You need to know what you are looking for in a woman, you need to know her values, principles and qualities. Knowing that will help you to be more selective and even handle rejection much better.

Honour: Is She honest and keep to her commitments?.

Benevolence: Does she have the disposition to do good and to promote the welfare of others?

Justice: Does she underlie fairness and regard for the rights of others?

Trustworthiness: Do people believe in her? Being trustworthy requires honesty, integrity, reliability and loyalty.

Respect: Does she have courtesy, decency, autonomy, and tolerance with you, your family and friends?

You will find that perfect girl, because you are building the base to get her, the rest will come to you, you only need to wish for it and soon it will come to you.

You need a Woman that could brighten your days not someone who could give you problems and make your life miserable, look for someone that will make your life complete.

What do they want?

If we look on 1000's of surveys we will find patterns that tell you what they want but sometimes are not too objective so you must try to find the subjective information behind.

They want to take the Lead, in the street, on a date, in bed, dancing, everywhere, do not make a woman take decisions for you as you will loose value for her, you must be confident in any single situation, you can not be a pussy and hide behind her back, she will kick you sooner or later, look confident, dress confident, talk confident, act confident.

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